[First/Prev] 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 [Next/Last]
Title | Forename | Surname | Court | Granted | Expires | Employer |
Samuel | Stevens | Plymouth Combined Court | 14/06/2023 | 13/06/2025 | Marston Group | |
Shirley May | Stevenson | Nottingham County Court | 21/07/2023 | 20/07/2025 | self employed | |
Daniel John | Stewart | Southampton Combined Court Centre | 27/02/2024 | 27/02/2026 | DCBL | |
Jahmane Benjamin | Stewart-Whyte | Dartford County Court | 22/10/2024 | 21/10/2026 | Marston Holdings | |
Samuel James | Stockings | Southampton Combined Court Centre | 19/11/2024 | 18/11/2026 | Marston Holdings | |
Stephen Owen Joseph | Stockley | Dartford County Court | 15/09/2023 | 14/09/2025 | Dukes Bailiffs Ltd | |
Damien Michael | Stockwell | Northampton Combined Court | 19/10/2023 | 18/10/2025 | Excel Civil Enforcement Ltd | |
Kevin Michael | Stokes | Dartford County Court | 06/01/2025 | 05/01/2027 | HCEA Service Ltd | |
Shane Anthony | Stopforth | Burnley Combined Court Centre | 18/11/2024 | 17/11/2026 | Marston Holdings | |
Ian | Stott | Liverpool Civil and Family Court | 13/06/2023 | 12/06/2025 | Marston Holdings | |
Steven | Stout | Dartford County Court | 17/01/2025 | 16/01/2027 | Marston Holdings | |
William Robert Horatio | Stringer | Norwich Combined Court Centre | 06/12/2024 | 05/12/2026 | High Court Enforcement Group Ltd | |
Robert Andrzej | Strozyk | Hertford County Court | 04/10/2023 | 03/10/2025 | Target Enforcement Ltd | |
Daniel Richard | Stuart | Nottingham County Court | 18/04/2023 | 17/04/2025 | ||
Peter | Stubbs | Burnley Combined Court Centre | 16/05/2024 | 15/05/2026 | Marston Holdings | |
Nimit | Suri | Northampton Combined Court | 02/01/2024 | 01/01/2026 | Open Source One Ltd | |
Colin Richard Ernest | Sutton | Central London County Court | 14/10/2024 | 13/10/2026 | High Court Enforcement Group Ltd | |
Raymond | Sutton | Manchester City Magistrates Court | 01/08/2023 | 21/05/2025 | Marston Holdings | |
Laurence Paul | Sweeney | Liverpool Civil and Family Court | 06/03/2023 | 05/03/2025 | self employed | |
Iwona | Swierzbinska | Norwich Combined Court Centre | 10/04/2024 | 10/04/2026 | self employed |
Last updated